Feeling the Need for Speed

As a coach one of the more common “head-butts” I have with my athletes is over running too fast, particularly during the first base building phase of a training program. As an athlete myself, I get it: I’ve done it, and I’ve suffered the consequences multiple times. We’re all impatient to get faster, and the fun part is when you finally feel your legs moving speedily underneath you. But to safely get to this point, there are a few ‘boring’ steps in between that shouldn’t be ignored.

The first step is determining whether speed work would actually benefit your training, which may not always be the case during every phase of the training cycle. To answer this question it’s helpful to first establish what exactly we mean by speed, and which types of running training should be considered speed workouts. Running speed is commonly used to refer to several different concepts: the highest rate at which you move across the ground (maximum speed of movement), your acceleration (how quickly you can accelerate from a stationary position), and also your speed maintenance (i.e. maintaining a high speed and minimising deceleration over some distance). Maximum (max) speed is usually only maintainable for around 8secs, or 30-40m, and is an anaerobic pathway (not dependent on oxygen). Functional threshold run speed is speed maintenance over a 60min hard out race effort, which is reliant on aerobic energy pathways (oxygen dependent).

For most of the athletes I coach, competing in endurance events, threshold run speed is a more useful determinant of running performance than maximum speed. Is there any use then, for endurance athletes to do max speed workouts? Whilst traditionally max speed workouts are programmed for runners training for events of 10k or less, perhaps counterintuitively research supports that they can actually provide benefit for all runners.1 Doing a sprint session such as 4x20m all out with a 90sec recovery can improve power, strength, neuromuscular coordination and running economy.1 During speed running, leg muscles need to contract at a faster rate, and the nervous system learns to control this process more efficiently. Efficiency means less energy usage running at the same speed, which is  key to endurance running. Better neuromuscular coordination, where the brain communicates more quickly with the muscles through the nerves, can also lessen the risk of injuries. Furthermore, sprint work encourages increased ‘fast twitch’ muscle fibre recruitment, which can be useful in providing support for fatigued ‘slow twitch’ fibres in the back end of an endurance race. It also increases muscle cross-sectional area, although it is unclear how much this contributes to force production. 

Before you rush out and start some high speed intervals it is important to understand the impact and risk of this, and the preparation that your body needs. These types of workouts are highly stressful for both your central nervous system, which is trying to cope with enacting movements at a much faster rate than usual, and your structures, which have increased forces running through them. It therefore takes time to recover from, with some studies suggesting 72hrs for full resolution of the stress.2 This type of training is much more likely to cause injury if you do not at least have a basic level of strength developed (usually in the gym using weights) to prepare your muscles for the high forces that they will be exposed to. In preparation for making movements at speed it is also necessary to rehearse these same movements in a slower fashion. This is usually practiced with run drills as well as strides.

Even as an endurance athlete you are set to gain benefits from max speed work but an important question remains: how often should you be doing this type of work? And what of the more “traditional” speed workouts like 400s, 800s and 1k reps? Research shows that the training adaptations described above can be achieved from as little as three weeks of sprint training, at a frequency starting at once a week and no more than three times per week.3 However, this type of session is best done after a rest day, and with significant time to recover following, which makes it incredibly difficult to fit in the context of a triathlon program. The most likely placement would be during a recovery week as some of the only intensity sessions, though this would undershoot the frequency slightly in the case of a customary 3-4 week training cycle. This may be an argument for max speed work being scheduled during base 3, where some foundation strength and aerobic fitness have already developed, and overall the programming has less intensity, leaving more room for recovery.

Some research also supports the idea that the more traditional ‘speed’ workouts in triathlon today only need to be conducted in the last 4-8 weeks prior to a key race, in a frequency of once to twice a week.4 This is an interesting finding which challenges the majority of triathlon and running training programs that schedule weekly ‘speed’ sessions. Of course there is an argument to be made for providing stimulus for the development of all systems during each training phase; however, in the real world, this should be weighed against the increased risks of faster running (especially injuries which can be season ending). The overarching message seems to be that our “need for speed” in training may be a lot less than we think. Undoubtedly there should be a measured and well-planned approach to including both traditional speed intervals, or high speed, sprint workouts, to gain the adaptation benefits whilst mitigating the risks.     

1. Ross A, Leveritt M. Long-term metabolic and skeletal muscle adaptations to short-sprint training: implications for sprint training and tapering. Sports Med. 2001;31(15):1063-1082. doi:10.2165/00007256-200131150-00003

2. Thomas K, Brownstein CG, Dent J, Parker P, Goodall S, Howatson G. Neuromuscular Fatigue and Recovery after Heavy Resistance, Jump, and Sprint Training. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2018;50(12):2526-2535. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000001733

3. Koral J, Oranchuk DJ, Herrera R, Millet GY. Six Sessions of Sprint Interval Training Improves Running Performance in Trained Athletes. J Strength Cond Res. 2018;32(3):617-623. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000002286

4. Litleskare S, Enoksen E, Sandvei M, et al. Sprint Interval Running and Continuous Running Produce Training Specific Adaptations, Despite a Similar Improvement of Aerobic Endurance Capacity-A Randomized Trial of Healthy Adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(11):3865. Published 2020 May 29. doi:10.3390/ijerph17113865

Too Strained to Train!

I remember last year finishing 7am-7pm clinics, getting home for 8pm and trying to wind the mind down in time to have a decent sleep so I could get up and train the next morning. I could rarely wind down before 11pm, and then a 4.30- 5am alarm would be most unwelcome. A key bike set that I’d been so keen to hit the night before would in the stark morning light (or grey dusk) suddenly seem impossible and my body just could not reach the goals. Granted I had an idea of what was going on given the physiology study during my degree but it would still frustrate me no end. In my head I would be thinking; but I sat on my arse in a chair all day yesterday (not strictly true as there would have been pre-work training but you get the idea), my legs should be rested! Recently with the post-COVID ramp up in ‘work’ and ‘life’ stressors I am seeing a number of my athletes struggling in the same fashion with training sessions, perhaps with less understanding of the reasons why.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the steroid hormone cortisol, otherwise known as the ‘Stress’ or ‘Fight or Flight’ hormone? It’s an interesting hormone in that it has the dichotomy of helping to control a lot of important functions in our body; such as blood glucose levels and blood pressure, but can also be quite dire for our health when we have chronically raised levels. Cortisol is necessary in physically stressful situations i.e. a race or intense training session because it prepares our body for the need to act. It does this by increasing rate and depth of breathing, increasing muscle tension, improving availability of sugar in the blood stream, diverting blood flow to large muscle groups, and increasing perspiration to cool the body. It heightens alertness and focus. All this can lead to improved performance. Huh?! So how come your training sessions get worse after a stressful period at work or in life. As in my post-clinic scenario an activated stress response can cause sleeping difficulties and fatigue through constant ‘alertness’. Your body reacts the same way to emotional stress as it does to impending physical stress. When you then come to hit this response for training, you’ll find that it is decidedly tapped out! Not to mention that your focus and priority may have been shifted to work, or whatever other life stress is haunting your thoughts.

Chronic stress can also cause more frequent infections or illnesses, digestive problems, changes in appetite, anxiety, increased inflammation and depression. I don’t think I need to go into detail about how these things will be a decrement to your training performance and recovery. The antidote to stress is inducing the parasympathetic response, which in essence causes the opposite reactions in our bodies; also known as ‘rest and digest’.  

All this might be sounding a bit grim when you find you’re stuck with work or life stress, and it’s hard to tap into the ‘rest and digest’. So what can you do to limit the damage to your health and training:

  • It always feels a bit preachy to me, but of course you can take some time out for mindfulness, or practices such as meditation, yoga or Tai Chi (yeah, ok, I didn’t think so….you’re a typical triathlete).
  • Managing your training load and intensity is up there as one of the more important things to offset other life stressors. A concrete example of this would be moderating an athlete’s training sessions to be <Z3 whilst they are going through higher stress periods. Practically it would be looking for sessions where you can get more bang for buck, so they don’t sap as much time.
  • Along this same line you can potentially time recovery weeks with heavier work or travel weeks to balance out the stress.
  • Miss a morning training session to have a sleep in when you are feeling particularly wiped.
  • Cut down warm ups and cool downs to save time.
  • Add extra recovery days.
  • Ultimately exercise flexibility with goals (particularly race goals) so that training does not become an added stress. Afteral; if you’re an AG athlete this is your hobby, and it should not be adding excessive stress to your life!

Above all; communicate with your coach when there are more stressful times in your life so they can help to support you with these and modify your training to accomodate.